of the Immaculate Mother
of the Church
The Institute of the Immaculate Mother of the Church is a female lay institute under diocesan law, founded in 1958 by Father Franciszek Blachnicki.
The essence of life for the members of the IMMC consists of evangelical counsels – chastity, poverty, and obedience. They form the foundation of communal life for the entire Institute, both for members practicing community living and those living individually.
The institute has nearly 100 members.
We live individually or foster community living.
Outside of Poland, we are present in Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Ukraine.
Our homes include: Krościenko nad Dunajcem, Dursztyn, Kraków, Lublin, Zakopane.
Recommended Links
Instytut Niepokalanej Matki Kościoła
ul. Ks. F. Blachnickiego 25
34-450 Krościenko n. Dunajcem
tel.+48 18 262 57 32
email: inmk@oaza.pl